What started as a small dream, an abandoned building, and a few acres of property, has grown into an invaluable resource for our community and nation.  The need for our expertise, structure, and one of a kind program has far outgrown our current facility. We’re not done, ‘cause God’s not done.  Every day the challenges in our world grow more complex.  So does the trauma that families face each and every day.  There is no easy fix.  Each child (and family) requires years of individualized help.  Currently we turn away 4 children every day of the year that desperately need assistance. In other words, there are 1,460 applications and we only have 30 beds. The new facility would expand that number to 106!  That would triple the number of families that we could reach.  

My Father's Arrows specializes in impossible situations.  The children and families that we serve are in desperate situations.  Most have been told time after time 'there's nothing else we can do.'  BUT GOD!

God has shown His mercy and miracles time and time again.  There is no magical answer, just a lot of hard, consistent work.  What we do at MFA is not a job; it's a calling.  We show up each and every day for these children and give them our best.  God meets us there and together we journey down the long, tough, road of healing.  We have operated at 100% capacity for the past five years.  In addition, the complexity of the issues that our children are facing demands a modern, updated house design to allow us to keep our children and staff safe while we tackle this labor of love to restore children and families.  Our BRAND NEW facility on our existing land will include:

  • Approximately 45,000 sq. ft.
  • 53 beds for girls (we currently have 18)
  • 53 beds for boys (we currently have 12)
  • 4 classrooms
  • Multipurpose room (gym/worship/gathering)
  • Kitchen
  • Dining hall
  • In-house laundry
  • Music & art rooms
  • Administrative offices
  • Staff housing
  • Therapy areas
  • Calming spaces

Currently we are in Phase 1 of the project to raise the capital to complete the architectural drawings, blueprints, and to acquire all of the necessary building permits.  Our goal is to complete Phase 1 and begin breaking ground for the foundation by January 1, 2025.  Below is the contact information for the various persons in charge of different aspects of the project.  We would love to come and speak at your event, church group, Sunday school class, community group, or circle of friends.  We would also appreciate the donation of individual's time and talents to help us accomplish the building of this home.  Be prayerfully considering how you can help.  

Jason Ellis

Director of Operations
Site/Project Manager

Deneen Goforth

Community Relations
Schedules Speaking Events/Fundraising

[email protected]

Michelle O'Banion

Graphic Design/Marketing

[email protected]